
I am a mother, a wife, sister, daughter; I am a healer.

As long as I have drawn breath I have felt a deep connection to nature and began my working life in environmental science. The birthing of my first child coincided with the birth of a new me. I launched a quest of spiritual awakening, transformation, and study of the human and spiritual condition – my own and others.

I am a fully accredited Shamanic Practitioner with One Tribe Healing and a  Shamanic Minister with Venus Rising Mystery School and a Shamanic Crafts Woman with School of Shamanic Woman Craft.  I'm also a Sound Healer and a Crystal Healing Teacher as taught by my Lemurian teaching guides in spirit.

My work as a Shamanic Practitioner is the culmination of deep spiritual transformation and years of study with various teachers, visiting sacred sites, and listening to the land.

My work is grounded in the feminine Shamanic Principles, and  creating safe space for deep lasting healing and transformation.

My personal healing journey involved a long quest to heal endometriosis and a deep reclaiming of the sacred feminine within. It culminated in a 3 day solo vision quest where I felt so deeply connected to nature, Gaia and the Goddess that I vowed to devote my lifes work to sacred feminine reclaiming.  

My personal area of interest is in encouraging women with Lemurian Crystal Healing gifts to come forward in this life. Mermaid consciousness  awakening also forms a large part of this work.

I am continually taught and guided by my higher self and recognise learning is a lifelong journey.

I currently run retreats and online trainings teaching Lemurian Crystal Healing and Feminine Shamanic Healing. 

I have current practitioners insurance, P/L Insurance and Membership as an accredited Shamanic Practitioner with the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT).

You can make a booking here
Or you can call me on 0413 662 456